New Website Launched: Lauderdale Diver
I am extremely excited to announce that we launched a new website last week for a client in Florida. Lauderdale Diver. This dive shop is a bit different than most dive shops as it also has a really cool side to it which is outfitting yachts with dive gear, water toys, slides, medical equipment, compressors, and even personal submarines! Made it a bit more fun to add make than normal.
The site itself is quite simplistic and clean in its look. The home page is rotating full screen photos with buttons directing towards either dive training, freedive training, or yacht outfitting. The shopping cart is also a very cool feature here. It is still in catalogue mode as of writing this blog post, as we are still looking into a few different options as far as payment processing, shipping integrations, as well as lynching it with their POS to keep inventory and prices up to date.
This really was a cool and fun project to work on and deliver and we are very happy with the results!
If you would like to get more information on getting your dive shop a new website, please contact us or email