Covid 19 has made changes on basically every humans life in one way or another. We are no different. As many who have done phone consults with us know, we have three very active boys who can often be heard in the background. Covid has meant no school for these boys for the past several months. They have been asking for years if I could teach them how to make websites so that they can make some money. Lego sets don’t come cheap.
They have taken to writing up information for some scuba domains we own. We have around 100 really great scuba domain names. Most of them scubadiving(country).com. There is great value in getting a domain active, indexed and beginning to age. I will show you a case sample in a second. And for anyone who says that domain names aren’t important for SEO I beg to differ. My oldest boy (11) wrote up some information regarding scuba diving in Tahiti and put a really basic website up on That site is now on the middle of the second page when searching from our location in Canada for the search term scuba diving tahiti. This is with no link building, SEO campaigns, etc. With a little bit of work, I could easily move that onto the first page.
My middle son hasn’t quite gone as far with editing his website for but the content is killer! It is on a blank install of the7 theme for wordpress so the site does look pretty funky at the moment and I will be helping him with that but the world through a kids eyes is truly a wonderful thing. Click on the page Getting To Bora Bora for a great example of a 9 year old’s thought process. I will update the ranking of this site once it gets indexed!
This is part of a new offering we will be doing on domains while they are sitting dormant waiting to sell. The boys will be putting websites up, getting them indexed and then hopefully lease the domains out to dive centers who may want a second placement in search engines, another web presence, or to even use as their primary domain. We will completely customize the domain to make it look like your dive center. Your logo, photos, dive info, etc. Contact forms will go directly to you. If you want to look at an example of a site that I have made that is already being leased to a dive center and is ranked # 2 on the 1st page of google for scuba diving rangiroa visit
The cost for this initially we are going to set at $50USD per month per domain. Keep a look out for domains as my boys finish them.
If you are interested already and want us to put your countries domain next on our development list please let us know and we can certainly do that! View all of the scuba domains available for rent or sale here.